Winging It

Life in Lockdown

Hey everyone! It’s been a while… So blogging didn’t have the best start and we parted ways for a short while which makes me sad. I love writing blogs and I haven’t put as much effort in as I should do. If I’m being honest I struggled more than what I thought whilst writing my…

20 Tips to Change Your Mood!

We all have ‘them days’ where we just want to curl up in a ball and go to sleep. The days we are moody, hormonal, awkward bitches and want to punch everyone in the face. The days when we struggle to enjoy the things we usually love to do because we feel tired and frustrated.…

Winging It

Hey everyone! Welcome to my first EVER blog.  I have stared at my laptop screen all afternoon and retyped this thing god knows how many times so it is now time for me to get a well deserved glass of Prosecco and finally introduce myself to all of you lovely bloggers! My name is Charlie…